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Face to face events

We do not have bodies, we are bodies.  We experience life through our nerves, muscles and organs.  Our bodies tell the story.  Our aliveness, depression, anxiety and joy are all etched into our physical frames and revealed in the energy we expend or block.  We know this.  Instinctively most of us can tell if someone is stressed, relaxed, dangerous or peaceful, within seconds of meeting them.  Character and Relationships Online brings this intrinsic knowledge to the surface so that we can understand the complex personality structure behind these exteriors and use it to lead better.

Live online events

We adapt to our culture by creating an idealised ego image. This is our pride position.  Everything we’re not proud of goes into the shame position called the Shadow. That’s when Projection starts. Rackets are covert conversational devices, which are complaints we do nothing about.  That’s because we receive a covert pay-off from the situation.  It scratches an itch, but do we count the cost? Where the shadow is denied organisations are hollow and virtue signalling runs rife.   How do create communities where art is generated, and people belong?  How do we handle the collective shadow?

Recorded online events

We adapt to our culture by creating an idealised ego image. This is our pride position.  Everything we’re not proud of goes into the shame position called the Shadow. That’s when Projection starts. Rackets are covert conversational devices, which are complaints we do nothing about.  That’s because we receive a covert pay-off from the situation.  It scratches an itch, but do we count the cost? Where the shadow is denied organisations are hollow and virtue signalling runs rife.   How do create communities where art is generated, and people belong?  How do we handle the collective shadow?